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A ghost Li had never seen before, never heard of the gods. Vigorous notch in the ground slowly extend around the world can see the traces of years of sharpening, show the long years of the existence of these trends reveal a trace of desolation. No hair on the head of the gods, there are people like croissants usually slightly curved horns, face the prospect of a solution and almost a little less than a pair of dark eyes hollow, Coach Diaper Bags Outlet the mouth is clear, sharp tusks. Sculpture, even beside the fangs, cut a few tiny pores as out of the blood, added a little more fierce and hideous. The body of the gods, it is very different with others, such as tigers and leopards that impressive robust body with four arms, one hand holding a knife, a shield in his hand, still have two hands, a tight, grasp one painful distortions of the human body, as if the vocalization day, while the other hand gently pressed the weight of an object, bloody, Jingsi human heart.
Originally unadorned white notches sorry to suddenly angry imagination, the force that the deep heart of hatred, as suddenly arise Generally, the sensation Li ghost is so real and unbelievable that crazy into this notch in the steam sky. Notches sweet moment intense, from the trunk immersed in this fierce deities in the groin mixture transformed into a burning flame, the red light flashes brilliance, this deity mouth also seems to have a trace of a smile, as if we innovated the general resurrection! Saint Li deep inhale deeply, almost unconsciously, in my mind it will be combined with this sculpture altar built. Impossible to think so at the masters of the world, so as the Seven Wonders of Engineering! Coach Diaper Bag Carved an image, it seemed to gain all worldly good luck! That nicks still on the ground extending from the ghost Li involuntarily market to another, gradually found a second statue, a third statue near the center of this group turn red flame bypass later, he always found the image of the seal sculpture on the ground with the eight gods, no, but almost certainly ghost Li, engraved in the ground are completely Xiongshen.
Among these images, the people who became the sacrifice of the gods, like food in general. The entire room, a cold at the moment, it seems that the discovery of this image, what things whispered somewhere fierce roar. Device in these images Xiongshen, and a. Nicked all packed, including, but not a full turn, but sometimes curved inward, outward sometimes perilous, when the ghost Li do not understand Currently, he returned to the front of the structure Xiongshen first looked deeply fierce gods, he raised his head, the immediate restoration emergence of this group burning flame. Suddenly, "Om" is heard in his mind, it seems to peak, a desire, a desire hemophagocytic so familiar to my heart. Almost simultaneously, around the image of those Xiongshen seemed suddenly living on the General, before shaking his profile. Coach Poppy Outlet Soul Eater hidden hand through sleeves bathrobes, gradually began to turn. Li Saint breathing slowly become a bit heavy, suddenly it was heavy shakes, strong self-calm mind and then slowly went to the central flame. He just forget to look at the small gray monkeys lying on his shoulder. Pair of eye monkey gold Yimang again, but gold behind, there is a red light, with the eyes of the soul Li color crazy general macrophage activation, little by little bright eyes it reloads books. ******** Distance of ten feet, and not far from the waves. Li ghost town near the light source in the central hall of red.

