
Hand Carved Jewelry

Bone carvings and artwork have a very special feel about them, unlike anything else you will ever experience. Their milky white appearance and soft flowing lines are just the start. They are soft and warm to the touch yet the finish is like polished glass, they seem to blend with your body and become a part of you, especially when worn as a pendent against your skin. Over a period of time bone carvings absorb oils from your skin and change colour to a very light honey gold.Coach Diaper Bags Outlet The Maori believe this to be the carving taking on some of your spirituality or essence and thus truly becoming a part of the wearer. The beauty of jade carvings is unsurpassed with its semi translucent look and swirls of green that seem to float deep within the stone. Hold a jade carving up to the light and you will truly be looking into another world. Hold it in your hand or against your skin and it will transform into a dark green sometimes almost black with subtle glimpses of its secret inner life appearing as it moves. These pieces are a mixture traditional decorative styles along with some contemporary designs. Many are based on Maori legend while some are modern designs inspired by ancient Maori styles with flowing lines, scrolls and soft forms. Some of these carvings are large at around 100mm long (4 inches) long while most average about 50mm (2 inches) in length or less.
 Nephrite jade ranges in colour from a very pale green to a very dark almost black jade. It is found in many countries around the world so many carvers use jade from Australia or even Canada when stocks of local stone are low. Featured Artists & Unique or Limited Edition Custom Carvings: These often reclusive artists take their inspiration not only from Maori mythology but also from the many other cultures that now share our beautiful land. They also illustrate the deep respect these artists have for the natural and spiritual worlds. Coach Diaper Bag These are very special carvings are often spectacular unique or limited edition pieces in bone, pearl, wood or jade from guest artists and are not part of our normal range. Each piece is crafted by hand so even if following the same design, no two pieces will ever be exactly the same. Unique pieces in bone and pearl can also be designed especially for you, telling your story through traditional styling and some may also include exotic inlays of shell or precious stones. As soon as each carving is sold it will be removed from our site permanently so check for updates often and be quick when you find one that you like, it may be your only chance.
 Every piece comes with a braided or plaited waxed braid cord with bound in loop and toggle, along with woven native flax bag designed to show of the traditional styling and beauty of the carving. The small bag or pouch (called a Kete in Maori) that also comes with every carving is made from treated and woven flax or similar material. It is again designed to compliment your carving and also provide protection when it is not being worn.Coach Poppy Outlet The Maori have used the fibre from plants like the hardy flax for hundreds of years to make bags, baskets, mats, clothing, ropes, bindings and even the walls of their huts. It is therefore the most appropriate way to present and care for a traditional or even contemporary bone, pearl or jade carving. Also supplied is an attractive information sheet telling of the meaning of the carving and a little about the Maori people.

