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After a while, the water slowly walked Master Moon. Wen Min, after all, take care of the apprentice's younger sister, was greeted by a general try to explain, but Suigetsu solemn face, went directly to Lu Xueqi before, whispered the moon in the water . Lu Xueqi did not look, bowed his head and cried softly ". Master " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Suigetsu looks, she is most proud of is that the disciples finest did not speak for a long time with a sigh, and then suddenly, the sound is quite helpless, as if with a touch of bitterness. Wen Min and Lu Xueqi was taken aback. Suigetsu body Lu Xueqi turned and walked to the railing Yuqing Dianwai, and looked out, but to see peaks in the sky, white clouds hung in the balance, the school Xianqi impressive.
"Qi Er, now you do something wrong, you know?" "Lu Xueqi upside down, murmured:" Yes, Master, I leave you embarrassed disciple is a mistake, but Zhang Xiaofan he did not ... ". Suigetsu turned sharply to look at her, and said: "Why do you possess life to vouch for him" Lu Xueqi face suddenly pale, speechless. Suigetsu looked at her a long moment, shaking his head, Ditan: "Turn of the Screw ah!" Lu Xueqi whispered: "Master, I, I'm not ......" Coach Diaper Bag Suigetsu said rudely interrupted: "You know I just said that you did something wrong, not that you bother me" Min Lu Wen Xueqi was surprised, Wen Min surprised and said: "Master, what you say" Suigetsu smile, his eyes once again turned to the distant, as if she fell into a distant memory: "You, young, arrogant, seeking temporary uncle, I'm afraid, but Zhang Xiaofan is that push to die on the road. ! ' "Lu Xueqi Jianshang pale, speechless said:" Master "?
Suigetsu voice gradually stifled like to see buried in the memory of the past: "For many years, a quick glance a hundred years later, there are people like him made a big mistake, but us, but we desperately plead for him, but then ...... ' She turned slowly and greet Lu Xueqi with both texts Coach Poppy Outlet sensitive to the human eye, whispered: "the personal and Xiaofan today but not the same, but the situation is very similar, but the man but it has always been your palm door uncles most hated people ah! ' Suigetsu deep, and even spoke with a trace of pain. First to his disciples, revealing a sad aspect.

