
I immediately fired a grenade wolf

These wolves are members of the most ferocious wolves base, the rest of the stationary part of the wall of the temple wolf, Garnett issued a command, but they are probably still just violent shooting has scared the soul, before the pressure the Cross of God, and not swarms. Otherwise, hundreds of heads Puzhi hungry wolf, even if we have superhuman powers, and it is hard to resist. Coach Diaper Bags Outlet I'm lying on the floor was about to rise, the vision is sometimes the only Julang I cast back slap. Wolf's paw on my shoulder, I can not see behind, but the seat of your pants the only surprise Julang gun, probably a bird blind Solanum Garnett, which has almost become a fine white wolf, and other sparse sound to down after only jump in the accuracy of its timing grasp the thought of cooling.
I continue to remind me, do not look back, once back, Garnett bite his neck, he inevitably Director usually end with the dog behind Xu Julang ground, waiting patiently for me to go back, we drank life blood is the most wonderful flavors of the world. Ringing ringing in my head, face stickers on the frozen ground, not least, the hearts wanted to rebel, but with empty hands, no weapons in this case. I double the iron fist of the proletariat will not have much effect. Cover the big black cloud in the moonlight, high altitude wind carried the moonlight like Caesar drops significantly decreased and the mercury spilled, according to a silver medal along humilis dirt. Lama side of the situation is also difficult, it is, after all decline, old gas, heavy iron bar brandishing the speed becomes slower and slower rod body eventually be a seasoned hungry wolf bite, never been able to shake, iron affirmation Lama and the wolf rod high in the moonlight, see that I was a giant wolf on the ground,Coach Diaper Bag wanted to come to the rescue, but could not get things lifted leg package passed in front of me "Army General color, fast five lightning demon stick with you Han!"
This package has almost reached my shoulder, I wondered, what is our five Han demon lightning rod? But then, when touched, already understood, the big man with the ball, then each of us allowed two grenades that my two are thrown into the pond mud stinking fried, and the great man in the copies but has never been used, Lama helped after being injured solution now unless Lama reiterated give really forget. I immediately fired a grenade wolf, but keep the shoulder, unable to do a lot of action, or a fracture will pin wolf fuck suck Jizhongshengzhi block with the ball on the side of his face suddenly turned and turned around, I saw behind him, as if you press a white hair Sensen hungry ghosts, it was really that Garnett, white eyes shone, he must bite the bullet with.
Then I opened the fuse grenade immediately plug white smoke, he wanted to go lay back, as long as the grenade is flat enough to scare these hungry wolf that Garnett canvas bag ball bite, has been anger can not meet unexpectedly, suddenly saw white smoke grenades, and the persistence urge as noise auspicious Chi Chi, raised his wolf claw my hands on the side scan grenades. Coach Poppy Outlet The grenade did not know how far out of my heart cursed whore White Wolf in a fine, I think he does not know that the pomegranate is what to do with, but with experience survive in harsh environments realized the danger of this thing away from this unfortunate batons, the bigger the better, with grenades pokes wolf claws, but the distance is too close, so it exploded, the consequences could be disastrous, fatal to wall fragments and wolves are affected.

