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After a while, the water slowly walked Master Moon. Wen Min, after all, take care of the apprentice's younger sister, was greeted by a general try to explain, but Suigetsu solemn face, went directly to Lu Xueqi before, whispered the moon in the water . Lu Xueqi did not look, bowed his head and cried softly ". Master " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Suigetsu looks, she is most proud of is that the disciples finest did not speak for a long time with a sigh, and then suddenly, the sound is quite helpless, as if with a touch of bitterness. Wen Min and Lu Xueqi was taken aback. Suigetsu body Lu Xueqi turned and walked to the railing Yuqing Dianwai, and looked out, but to see peaks in the sky, white clouds hung in the balance, the school Xianqi impressive.
"Qi Er, now you do something wrong, you know?" "Lu Xueqi upside down, murmured:" Yes, Master, I leave you embarrassed disciple is a mistake, but Zhang Xiaofan he did not ... ". Suigetsu turned sharply to look at her, and said: "Why do you possess life to vouch for him" Lu Xueqi face suddenly pale, speechless. Suigetsu looked at her a long moment, shaking his head, Ditan: "Turn of the Screw ah!" Lu Xueqi whispered: "Master, I, I'm not ......" Coach Diaper Bag Suigetsu said rudely interrupted: "You know I just said that you did something wrong, not that you bother me" Min Lu Wen Xueqi was surprised, Wen Min surprised and said: "Master, what you say" Suigetsu smile, his eyes once again turned to the distant, as if she fell into a distant memory: "You, young, arrogant, seeking temporary uncle, I'm afraid, but Zhang Xiaofan is that push to die on the road. ! ' "Lu Xueqi Jianshang pale, speechless said:" Master "?
Suigetsu voice gradually stifled like to see buried in the memory of the past: "For many years, a quick glance a hundred years later, there are people like him made a big mistake, but us, but we desperately plead for him, but then ...... ' She turned slowly and greet Lu Xueqi with both texts Coach Poppy Outlet sensitive to the human eye, whispered: "the personal and Xiaofan today but not the same, but the situation is very similar, but the man but it has always been your palm door uncles most hated people ah! ' Suigetsu deep, and even spoke with a trace of pain. First to his disciples, revealing a sad aspect.


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Standing next to him the king of ghosts pale smile, said: "predecessors in the overall situation, much more able to come back here, and then after a while, even if we Babel peak is not surprising. " God the poison immediately shook his head, smiled and said: "King's brother ghosts, we soon had a good discussion of this major event, longevity Tong Yu Daoxiong Yoko, presided over the overall situation, we a pawn. " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Then he turned his head to the other side of this man said: "Yes, it is the brother of Jade Yoko, huh, huh." Evil, one of the four major sects, the main gate of longevity Yoko Tong Yu, eyebrows to the temples, appearance is very beautiful, and watched as the thirties, in fact, already poor people in practice for hundreds of years.
Malaise, church life is a very special faction, were are the factions responsible for the most important sanctuaries Evil - the temple guards in the middle of nowhere, this clock designed Indeed, as is the general name, only the pursuit of longevity. However, they ranked the four factions evil, when it is more scrupulous According to legend, and the right way of life and the road in front of the future say. Evil secretly massive Jade Qingyunshan come here all secretly negotiated Yoko after several major elected grand mal heart inevitably some pride immediately laughed: "Albatron door centuries to oppress us all holy church, given today seeking justice. ' "Onio laughs:" good. " Then he turned his head and face had been standing next to the woman, is the only woman in the door the name of four core members, Acacia sent three wonderful fairy smiled and said, "Wait a minute, it also depends fairy you marvelous road law. " Three wonderful fairy came Evil Acacia most renowned sent a messy one, looks naturally beautiful, but look at the past, but do not feel obscene, looking weak, no powder, but the species most beautiful gel Chen Chu key Mountain Qingyun Lu Xueqi Kotake peak of roughly similar.
Hear the King of Ghosts of Coach Diaper Bag three wonderful smile fairy low, said: "Three are seen Daoxiong the VIP world, much better than my little wife, but we live Our Lady Ming throne heavy oath before the Legislative Assembly, the Make you work together to year snow temple humiliation shame, but also look at the three Daoxiong abandoned the hatchet with, they must comply with the preface we go. ' The trio look Onio, said: "The fairy assured that we did not disloyalty." Three wonderful fairy smiled, then turned against the king of ghosts, said the Daoxiong Onio, I've been here a few days, but not how the niece ah? " The King of Ghosts hesitated and said: "You said that Baguio girl, fun kids, do not know where to run, do not know the fairy look for her what?" Wave three wonderful fairy said: "There is nothing else, but I recently heard that the girl was a treasure passed under bell Ms. Jin Ling Bao Yi acacia, may be the problem?"
God poison Jade Yoko moved slightly, apparently Ms. Jin Ling name, even the giants of this magic is not fail to be treated with care. Wang Jianse that changed, eyes flashing low naked, said: "fairy down, I do not know where to get that message?" Three wonderful fairy extent also as jade hand gently in his own legs combed impassive authentic: "I naturally listen Daoxiong Onio, everyone Jinling Eight hundred years,Coach Poppy Outlet we have sent Acacia patriarch predecessors bell acacia, she left a lasting addition to this, you also need to know the Acacia sent the local school, right? ' The Onio not speak, but he was standing with his hands, keeping the end of the course, there is not the shadow of a retired color, even just a blink of an eye harmonious atmosphere, makes some clicking on.


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The field is not easy nodded, looking Suru seems to mean something, but still no openings. The low Suru: "Since you go at night seen Yat Siu to return was frowning, there is something wrong" Tin is not easy to cultivate a deep breath, and his face relaxed, smiled and said: ". I know not hide " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Then he gave Yat Siu best things he said Zhang Xiaofan said again. Surumomo listened, reflected a moment, shook his head and said: "I will not speak Xiaofan at the end is not the king of evil ghosts as his daughter, but even if they know, it says in Xiaofan evil, or even it is evil sneak into the Albatron door in spies, I definitely do not believe. ' Tin is not easy to hum loudly and said, "Do you not say that I know Hey, I received six apprentices, from the oldest to the youngest, there is no such will, if things make me so tired! "
Suru looked at him, smiled and said: ". However, from oldest to youngest, there is none like him yes, give yourself a big test on the pulse seven faceless " The field is not easy choking, but his mouth refused to throw in the towel, haughty doubled, said: ". Coupe, it is also called anonymous What, Ray Pide charred like a stone" "Laughter Suru, said:" My God, my brothers on the ground heard that three hundred years ago, you participated in seven pulse will force the big test of time, too, but only in the top four. " Field is not easy to be the wife out of the old account, the surface suddenly a little embarrassed and said: "I do not know ... not this time my heart and memories, and a test of the previous night ran to find you, you slipped out of Babel in peak "Hongqiao at over a total look at the moon and Star overnight stand the test of time, no small mind, where the opponent or brother? " Coach Diaper Bag "Bah!" Suru spit him one, but his face in a slight redness, feels soft limit, appear to have returned to the original man young this evening, "the brothers Wan Tianzong Wizards, extremely intelligent, we of this generation disciples, over the head of the brothers Dogen practice right path on the second like him that you are in the top four, had to let you master laugh Zuidou Bulong actually want to defeat Wan brothers?"
Tian laughed hard, obviously in a good mood, said: "Wan brothers he naturally much better than me, but you between him and I decided I knew I was a better place than he." Suru white to him, said: "I had a ghost fans mind, blind, and you will." The field is not easy to listen to, not angry, just looking at his wife, smile Oh, her eyes full of smile, suddenly fire shooting hand, this hand drawn Suru boned. Suru glared at him and said: "As a great age, but also nauseating to Say, etc. Xiaofan everything will come, is that like what he saw!" Field is not easy, but laugh without saying a word, the Suru slightly bowed his head, but he did not hand pulled back.
The water at night, no Shino. The cool evening breeze blew gently blowing the trees at night. Woods on the inside, very quiet. Coach Poppy Outlet A long time, Suru suddenly said. "In fact, I think Xiaofan like this down and you were very similar" Then she looked up, the Route field is not easy, "feel- you? " The field is not easy surprised, and said: "Is it not" Suru smile: this expression is, when you look as silly as seems, who think you can not compare the brothers of you who spirited, but in the end you Otake peak pulse being greatest achievements, said law, but you, you reason Fu is later forwarded to you first. '


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Voice hardly ever, suddenly just listen instead Baguio Jiao He heard the sad flowers scattered and open a wink the whistling of the wind, the whole cave full of dazzling white flowers, like the side of a Wall bright light General overwhelming reversed. Zhang Xiaofan seen several times Baguio cast this spell, well aware of its power should not be neglected, the heart of the Zhou Xiao worried. Unexpectedly saw Xiao Zhou frowned volleyball body back ten feet, and even tactical hand grip right, left hand, right wrist, the grip seems supremely G Cursive,Coach Diaper Bags Outlet fingers in the air as much as one drilling Ruixiao nod in the body old life and draw a figure in Taiji. Zhang Xiaofan Tian Linger with a view, no doubt, Xiao Zhou short Albatron door disciples indeed, that this Act Road, a road Tai Chi Xuan Qing see at a glance is Albatron door!
Suddenly Qixingjian back light Dasheng, standing in the middle of the diagram Tai Chi, his acute that "Clank Clank" shock, a moment later, Qixingjian standard for speeding around the blade, the more light wheel Taiji Flashing traffic hehe powerful, is overwhelming. However, shortly after, I saw two pieces of magic in mid-air, crashing collision! "Tonna ......" Halo loud noise the magic two collide and began quickly rushed out, more than the entire cave roar above the cliffs could not withstand the impact Juli size of stones fell. Zhang Xiaofan Tian Linger also feel vibrations around almost standing still, the spirit Jing Pei, Xiao Zhou practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing track, I'm afraid he had never seen any production Albatron door youngest of his disciples, but also a bit hard on.
Baguio in the white field wall displaying dusk disappear, but see his face white, apparently eating a small loss. Zhang Xiaofan counted to agree to some time with her,Coach Diaper Bag he called bad hearts guess she must have refused to let go. Indeed, I saw Baguio Nuse ephemeral flash flower sad and closing, but the hands in the waist, holding that beautiful crisp golden bells. Xiao Zhou frowned, listened attentively alert. Gently in front of this woman was older, but already high Daoxing his surprise, he just turned they spend mana 90%, but only a small decrease in it, but look at his appearance, Jingsi greater magic weapon. It is even more afraid silently standing in the shadow of the man, it is incomprehensible is the problem. Just listen with a bell crunchy, "shook" Coach Poppy Outlet sounds in the cave where deadly, but it is very messy. Baguio stand light air, film hands a small golden bell slowly float in front of his body, crisp sound. Zhang Xiaofan looked here, I saw MidAir beautiful woman hands boned, lightly dancing bells of gold between her hands, slowly begins to turn for the sound crisp.


I saw the fire dragon flying in the day

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Zhang Xiaofan see the stone down in the wind, is in danger, and quickly turned Shaohuo silent sky, shot from the side of the fire dragon. Unexpectedly Fire Dragon seems to spirituality, and in fact it was clear, turned his head and look mesh giant, Longkou one roar and a big pillar of fire rushed. Zhang Xiaofan unprepared, this flame look like a mountain, an avalanche of red general inevitably had to bite the teeth, place reminders Mana Shaohuo thrown glaucoma, went against the Pillar of Fire. It at this time, and I was surprised to find three fox long laugh loudly in the sky, in the hands of the mysterious fire Kam stimulus light gave birth, right two rushing. Zhang Xiaofan stone in the impasse of the fire dragon, seeing they are shocked, and even standing behind three fox Baguio is also unsurprisingly small, Coach Diaper Bag clearly heard in the emergency hoot, Baguio flying in the sky, right hand jade General finger flexion and extension, flower petals many sad, danced three straight fox behind the attack to go.
Frowned, Baguio quietly left hand on her waist, the small golden bell, hand stuck between the two. Three fox seems to know the sad flower mighty, not Yingjie side hide the past, Baguio not catch on the side to Zhang Xiaofan at the time of the air beside him. Zhang Xiaofan looked up at him, the wavefront flow Baguio, just looked over his. Zhang Xiaofan I do not know why, they immediately turn too far. Fire Dragon gained Yaowu is still in the air after three fox rush in Baguio, not a penny of hesitation, stretched Shouyi Zhao, mysterious fire Kam fly back to his hands, the whole person turned white, disappeared in the woods in the dark depths.
Zhang Xiaofan trio could not help Zhengzhu. Coach Poppy Outlet Cents away Monday took a deep breath and said. "Ok, ok, it seems that these three Daoxing the fox enough, you can not play the power of the mysterious fire Kam, only frighten these young Otherwise, if, for the power of the mysterious fire Kam several dangerous. ' Small ring on the side is not satisfied with the genuine "How do you know it sufficiently Daoxing See his enemy three, does not it look good!"


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People a look of admiration, looking deeply, listen to see what few hairs Zhang Xiaofan heart, slowly authentic: Zhang Xiao Xiong, "Qingyunshan you have a world in motion, the earthquake sparkle ancient mountain town today strange treasure the swords ─ ─ Zhuxian you know? " Zhang Xiaofan emotions almost completely the first meeting people left and right, not consciously nodded: "Yes." Million people suddenly sank on his face and snapped: "You may also know that the sword Zhu Xian positive war, thousands of years magic, killing a number of creatures destroyed Coach Diaper Bags Outlet many lives If today the square in the mundane? magic really kill most evil spirits heavier, I'm afraid to get too considered one of the deities of General Zhu Xian swords! "
Zhang Xiaofan head strong noise, people who took an involuntary step back, like playing on the surface of the punch and life in general. At the same time, he felt as if, in the deep weak heart, childhood began sacred and inviolable, but in a faint cry crisp response after the first small cracks. The sunny glow under the big tree above, through the dense foliage, varying by small tiny pieces Yang, and fell to the ground, the leaves stop shaking like a naughty child, lightly beat the general . From time to time, a little sun fell on the boy. Zhang Xiaofan squatting on the ground in front is quietly lying on the ground Shaohuo Flanagan, in the shadows, it is ugly, ugly. Millions audit, in fact, and the date of Baguio Kuwayama empty, which means that there is not much difference, but his mouth said Zhang Xiaofan feels very different in our hearts, the pale murmured sneered: He is, he is right.
People sat quietly, drinking tea has long been cold. Distance, looked old boss Chatan go, turn right again to open the line of sight, completely ignorant hearts juvenile as rough seas rude! I do not know how much time, Zhang Xiaofan face anxiety, struggle, pain gradually subsided, he slowly extended his hand on the ground to capture Flanagan Shaohuo hand, standing, facing the people in the tunnel cold, "Who are you?" People go to the time and resumed his casual style, original front evil spirits are gone, slight smile, "ah IM Traveled the world a mortal!". Coach Diaper Bag Zhang Xiaofan watch the hands clenched tight Shaohuo slowly, said: "mortal, how do you know so much You're not evil magician?" Millions In fact, I will react, and looked, touch authentic: "good and bad points that you really so important to you?" Zhang Xiaofan deep breathing heavy authentic: "Yes!"
Million people suddenly sneer, said: "Why did you start using also the root of evil something wrong?" Zhang Xiaofan the flick itself, but the look of grandiose, said: "This Shaohuo perhaps something demon, but I used to demon killer, this is the right way, I am aware quiet, just like you said my door GU Jian Zhu Xian general. " Million dazed rose slowly, looked up and down a lot Xiaofan, as re-acquainted with this man, the mouth is allowed herself a smile, said: "You can actually think of this layer,Coach Poppy Outlet it is rare rare but mind, it is better that you Albatron, no history of most people! ' Zhang Xiaofan ignore it, just watch and said, "What exactly are you people" People do not respond to his own, but said: "The northern line, but you Qingyunshan?"


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He looked drunk, see Qi Hao, wrote the book stunned, Lu Xueqi looked to reveal a strange look on his face, but the waiter was really admire the extreme boast loudly road: " Keguan really expert to know what it is! " Zhang Xiaofan just noticed this time, like everyone else, blushing, and quickly put the sticks, but still asked for her hand, said: "I ask that sleep deeply Xiao Erge fish from where?" Waiter still speaking, suddenly he heard the door next to a large table with a woman's voice said: "This fish is a deep sleep specialty Southern Zhu hook Hill, thousands of miles away, how can you be shipped, you store it it not a lie? "(Note 1) Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Did eat was surprised, looked over, I saw the top of a queen-size table sat eight people, six men dressed in yellow, and two women, one woman in a lilac dress, Mongolia face veil, can not see the face, but the skin is exposed a little white, another woman is the speaker and not the age, looked only sixteen or seventeen, clothing Shuilv is beautiful snow insignificant skin, a pair of bright eyes is very intelligent, impressive is the report of Lu Xueqi not lose a bit.
Zhang Xiaofan "ah" cry, and was surprised to find that the woman said that these remarks, the vision falls on the body of the table Lu Lu Xueqi Xueqi seems frightened air. Beauty of a woman is a woman frigid Lu Xueqi if weekdays at present, but can not help to read what women want. Server lost smiles: "Keguan said, but you may not know, a hundred years ago, this mountain hook deep sleep South and even unique, but the doors Albatron people Xuanzhen Zhu hook through mountains, especially those fists sleep fish on closed back Qingyunshan Yin Hongcheon now not only survived, but also gradually prosperous, we request the blessing of the fairy Dogen Qingyunshan this delicious food! "He said. Before saying, he exhibited the same look of veneration. Zhang Xiaofan people listened Albatron door, naturally happy smile on his face, but the girl listened to glance back surface of the sail Mongolian woman sitting behind the mouth is snorted. After a delicious dinner, Zhang Xiaofan, et al contentment back to the residence, Qi Hao Xiyuan door to the crowd: "Tonight, you first here tomorrow morning, rest,Coach Diaper Bag we hasten Kuwayama empty.
Zhang Xiaofan and book had to be a cry, Lu Xueqi paused, and towards his room, "bang" close the door. Qi Hao Dailiaoyixia, two of them from smiling, said, "two other young sooner!" Zhang Xiaofan looked at his beautiful face one, Qi Hao look good, I have seen under the sun was in reality has nothing to envy to the past, but there is a kind of mean Chu Chen suddenly shot, I could not spirit of the book and had barely touched hello, is not a reason Qi Hao, then went to the room. Zeng book chuckled, joking with Qi Hao two, two will also go to the rest room, respectively. That night, Zhang Xiaofan first time in five years, leaving Qingyunshan again and again, I do not know why the night did not sleep well. Towards the middle of the night before sleep finally confounded, was dreamed he was a bloody impressive between dark mountain standing on the sea of ​​blood death in the depths of peak heart is indescribable frenzy intent to kill, as if before the red blood like fresh spring water, the draw, the draw, he could not help but want to get all this killing. "Ah!" Zhang Xiaofan awakened from a dream, suddenly stood up, gasping for breath, body sweat dripping, it took some time, his heart beating fierce service before slowly down. He looked into the darkness and sat for a long time, inadvertently hand, ran into the Okanagan Shaohuo on the pillow, feeling cold surroundings. This dream is very similar to these years, he continued to dream the nightmare, he looked to another scene, people who dream of macrophage activation fierce fears.
Watched the silence, surrounded by darkness. He wrapped his legs and sat in the dark, deep breath, closed his eyes, his hands clasped in front. Darkness as a gentle, delicately wrapped around his body, a layer of pale gold, looming out of his body. And swayed in the dim light, Zhang Xiaofan face, as if they were covered with a layer of its solemn excessive. Coach Poppy Outlet I do not know how long this layer of golden light before gradually dispersed, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes in the darkness, a peaceful atmosphere. Whenever he gave special miss that Ci and Pu Chi monk. He no longer sleepy, and went to the door, opened the door and went out. The rooms are dark to come, no doubt Qi Hao They are asleep. Shanhai Court after the park was built in the four corners of the orientation were built four courtyard garden. Xiaofan Zhang Xiyuan lived and went to the center of the garden. This time is late at night, looking at the sky, starry sky, a full moon hanging in the sky. The night breeze, pale, with a trace of perfume. The trail leading to the deep face of the unknown. Roadsides, grass, shrubs, colorful flowers, open land.
Zhang Xiaofan heart burst inconsolable down this track, the wind, bring freshness. This quiet night, a boy walking alone in the aftertaste garden deep past. Road, a little flower in the dew crystal night thrill attached to the top of rose petals and white, finely carved, Zhang Xiaofan stopped, feeling really happened on the way to see. Subtle perfume came secretly. Suddenly, a delicate hand, as for stretching eternal darkness, with a beautiful secluded clear, the sky starlight moonlight printed Zheduo exploration spend. Folded under her! Xiaofan brain Moment "Boom" sound, as if the sky Yuet Wah have lost their luster, this garden is suddenly plunged into darkness in general. He turned and looked in the past with some inexplicable hatred. Clothing seagreen girls who were there, such as lead skylight live and gentle flowers on the nose, the deep smell. Note: "Shan Hai Jing Zhu hook mountain" by the fourth volume: Another Nanshui line 500 leagues, said Zhu hang the mountain, no vegetation, more than the sand. Hill also widely member Barry sleep more deeply fish.


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Zhang Xiaofan on the hill in the bamboo forest that is very familiar, but see the green mountain, layer after layer, the mountain breeze in Zhuhai and downs, as large Haibo Tao, spectacular, mind suddenly a fan. He took a deep breath fresh air in mountain activities himself, holding a machete in the bamboo forest. He came here three years ago, is the deepest in the bamboo forest, it Otake everywhere, bamboo is hard. Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Touch of morning mist floating in the forest, like the veil on the trails on both sides of green bamboo leaf dew sparkling, beautiful carvings. I wanted to be a while, then being in the green sea, most of the dominant section of black bamboo, lush vegetation, directly in the day, the light of the gap between foliage thoroughly, leave a piece shadow on the ground. Zhang Xiaofan closer look, take a deep black part of the gesture bamboo about a knife and they want to cut.
"Poof, suddenly muffled bang and Zhang Xiaofan just felt a pain in the forehead, but there is one thing that hit on the forehead. He looked down at the floor rolling a pinecone. Here are some black bamboo shoots bamboo, there are many, but definitely not the pineal gland. He thought a moment, the ghost of a smile on his lips, and looked around him, aloud: "? Apprentice old sister, you" His voice died away among the bamboos long, nobody answered. Zhang Xiaofan elder sister apprentice know has always been naughty love to tease people, and was about to cry again, suddenly the front is a pain, extreme pain, actually threw a pine cone at the top head, also heard a "crack crack" cries. Zhang Xiaofan reluctantly looked up and saw the tree on the black bamboo, I do not know when exploring a stuffed monkey several striking gray pine cones, tail hung upside down the creaking bamboo creak "shrill laugh before, like schadenfreude. Zhang Xiaofan Dailiaoyixia past three years, he had never seen a monkey in the bamboo forest, and Otake peak of almost all bamboo forests that Sanin Department ravine pine and cypress forest wild, it seems that the monkeys who live there now, I do not know how to run in the mountains. Otake craggy peak high, but no higher than peak Babel heaven, but directly into the sea of ​​clouds, rising at the foot of some trackless possible multi-Albatron door disciple Imperial empty come and go. Coach Diaper Bag Zhang Xiaofan superficial repair, in addition to cutting bamboo daily newspaper also heard older students talked Otake top of the ravine mountain conifer tree in a wild forest, deep and unpredictable, off the beaten track. Year Otake peak pulse Patriarch also exploring the sword for someone to go deep valley, but there is a jungle, not much different from Shenqi it affects insects become more venomous beast, but not from the valley, peace and tranquility without years thing.
He thought, and find that the monkey's hand up his heart leap quickly removed, and it is a pineal crashed down, if it is not dodge, but also suffer. This gray monkey see that flashed away, scream or two, scowling face, seemed to accuse Zhang Xiaofan should not dodge. Zhang Xiaofan ordered that the monkeys face, do not go with her, and I left, I thought this monkey is hitting human music is quite rare, really ignorant brutes. He walked two steps Suddenly he heard the wind seemed ear, dodge, "pop" is heard, the back of the head is hit hard pineal, this look is not a light force, Zhang Xiaofan just felt a scowl, could not help to call hard. Saw the monkey in bamboo leaf and laughing, swaying, was a joy. Zhang Xiaofan the heart furious rush shaking bamboo, a section of huge black bamboo trembled around chaotic pendulum, but only gray monkey with its tail wrapped in bamboo on his swing, quite scared, but "Zhi Zhizhi laugh. Zhang Xiaofan nothing to do monkey mind is angry, pulled out a machete to cut bamboo ruthless. This monkey is not afraid, not looking at bamboo with great interest. Zhang Xiaofan cut profuse sweat finally cut Bafen Qi, seeing imminent success, Suddenly he heard screaming bamboo, looked up and saw a gray bird monkey tail swing himself flew to actually go to one another on the black bamboo, then "pop" and threw a pinecone down. "Zhang Xiaofan furious, and regardless of that monkey ready to listen to understand, pointing it out loud:" a kind of you down. " The monkey scratched his gray head nodded like a long time, it is estimated that not understand what is a no sort of just laughed, pointing Xiaofan Zhang faces big. Zhang Xiaofan angry half to death, but there is no alternative to this day, he barely strong to complete their homework, but that monkey on his head, but was broken in seven or eight painful. Bitterly down the mountain Zhang Xiaofan full of anger, no reason why monkeys. Here, monkeys play about addiction, set a few days earlier in the morning phase in the bamboo forest climate, once Xiaofan just cut bamboo, they beat him to music, watching Zhang Xiaofan bored look very happy .
Tonight, before dinner, Zhang Xiaofan Tian Linger side, secretly asked: "Xiaofan, how your head?" Coach Poppy Outlet Zhang Xiaofan these days is that monkey's head gray broken tyrant bruises, painful, but he played very conscious of being a monkey is a shame, but nobody says, then listen to the apprentice elder sister asked, hesitated a moment, he finally told her. Tian Linger apartment lips, could not help laughing banks emerged two small dimple face is really beautiful is urgent. Zhang Xiaofan seems she laughed at him, but seemed something else, a hot face inexplicable looked down. Tian Linger shoulders casually Xiaofan Zhang said, "Do not worry junior in the sector these days Mother For Me in Tai Chi cave attend seven hours prepare two years after Wu was not expecting it puts you in a monkey intimidate you do not worry, tomorrow I will accompany you in the mountains, lessons learned monkey bird Bad. "


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Shirley Yang also agree in this case, can not run that could take, and whatever speed, single view of the terrain, the decline in land are inevitable without shelter bar, as a term, there absolutely no way out of course, if trapped here, just a premature death later in the death of distinction, to take full advantage of this time, see if you can find around which the snake can lead some thing, it would stand out. Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Discuss cons-measures, and everyone has not slowed things down in perpetual motion blocking the gate, but it was cooler, more holes occupied by too many and can not all blocked Black Snake swimming down audio gradually approach, everyone should continue until retirement, and leave no stone unturned on the road snakes up to speed soon.
Continue to rise, each on a layer, the promotion of slate background blocked, and finally to the upper floor, a look at the terrain here is really dangerous in the extreme, where we are, is a narrow channel of each side between the three caves dwarf chain upwards within an impasse in the cave, which is the only way to go, but the air above, only half of the head statue of the nose above the part I do not know how many years has collapsed, or how, ceased to exist, to climb, you can see the cliffs on three sides stabbed ax adjacent channel, the colossus the already very large, but in this subterranean abyss,Coach Diaper Bag but seems a little insignificant we head statue is tiny as ants, grease and I climbed the statues half of the head in the open air, down only one, the big man is sent vanishes, sinister underground Grand Canyon formed a groan, an unusual atmosphere of sulfur mixed with air, the environment is nightmarish Yusi thrill, I dare not look to the low, and quickly dragged her fat bottom layer.
Shirley Yang A set Xiangan in a corner, leaving the rest sitting on the backpack, and I see fat down, asked if we are above the road to retirement? I shook my head, feeling the heart beat accelerated slightly station while on top, leaving Since neither want to order, but Uncle Ming on the side, to avoid causing a panic, I did not say it directly, but only that we be considered up here, fortunately, the head of the contraction of the giant ground, blocked the road for the snake could not come, this statue is too high, the outside corner and very steep, snakes can not from the outside in. Fortunately, each cave has some dark slate places, as if the coffin-shaped board, but not used to see, find a few pieces of the appropriate size of the stone, to cover the entrance to find a stone pressure block seems pretty sure those fierce and vicious Black Snake fierce, but he can not bite into the rock.
After missing gap repeatedly confirmed, the crowd gathers need at least twelve hours each layer obstacles put in place, a large number of snakes want to come in time, and this may be our last time. My thoughts tumbling, the huge statue of a few tens of meters, we have lost count of the exact number of layers, a tactical point of view, if it is designed to support a large number of invasion snakes, the last stage is the most safe and secure, but another point of view, there is also a lot more room. Snakes rush to the only two routes, either to feed the snake jumped out of the canyon to commit suicide, whether from an altitude of a few tens of meters land, are not very well by the any die, I really did not expect that, at the last moment, Coach Poppy Outlet even the death of the impasse without good health, though, since the line dry pail and reversed the business, with or without experience of several bodies thrashing, but the situation on this very difficult situation, but missing weapon dry food less medication, the steep cliffs that surround can not mount a large group of giant black snake venomous look for the next anti-Xia thought of several possibilities, the long wings to escape. Uncle Ming's what the people I have spoken and Shirley Young, but not really clean whatever retreat, but Uncle Ming or understand, reluctantly nodded seems Despite the wonderful "secret", but also can not save the damned people, God is doomed to Lei Xianming died in large Black Thunder Mountain day strike.


I walked slaughterhouse brief Coach Poppy Outlet

But this is the thing now, me and fat which is the head of yak not dead yet own this, it has been maintained as such between life and death, so it does not stop thousands years? Not only ten yak head of luck, the whole "evil plants Hoi An Town and trees, including the lights on, unfinished works, yak, shot, cooked beef, Shimen was full of dried blood are freezing in the final seconds and the ghost town together, even half figure. And destroy all the evil associated Hoi City catastrophe? It is this kind of catastrophe ground. Such a terrible force? Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Do we have to eat, probably thousands of years of a beef pot inevitably a little nausea, phenomena of this city is truly amazing. Or vented to the outside of the city is relatively safe to wait until tomorrow morning before entering the main town of hives, fat and I asked Shirley Yang and others, bring things to turn back original.
I looked up at the sky, the night has already come, but in light of this "city of Hoi wrong" again and I just found out at the same time here, as in the twilight, although there is plenty of light, but it seems highly trance blurred, perhaps even the time of the destruction of the ancient city of light could stay forever. Ashanti confirmed But I think it is the seat of a ghost town. I walked slaughterhouse brief Shirley Yang said again, Shirley Yeung think here are not lost track of time outdoors so simple, as the pot of cooked beef, ripe delicious eaten its own will not re-appear in the city all set within a certain period of time, it is not subject to the influence of external forces,Coach Diaper Bag it does not always produce any change becomes dark sky outside the Sun, the time of watch is also normal, which at the time we still have the normal passage, another point most likely to be ignored, the things "wrong Hoi City", is not stationary, only shows that retains particular form of permanent, certainly not frozen in time, may temporarily exclude the spatio-temporal confusion generated this idea, but can not know the reasons for the formation of this phenomenon in order to facilitate communication, leaving aside the "City Hoi evil as eternal moment, said" line x ", a completely stuck in the mysterious ancient city on the line where" x "indicates unknown. You want to discover the mystery of the "x-line, you must understand Hoi City" evil "has occurred in the last moments of this need to wait until dawn, when, and then into the city to see what changes can further confirm and perhaps hive depths of the castle, to find the truth of the answer.
I was the ancient city where strange things make a big head hit the lesser mind, or even mad desire, then listened to the analysis Shirley Yang found his ideas very clear, Coach Poppy Outlet it seems that people have to die than those , the goods that the goods are discarded, but maybe my life is that when the leaders of the field, so it was not long ago when the minds of staff officers. The wall at the periphery, we put over the "upwind Lake" green looked back the night "evil Hoi City," he said quietly planted in the ground, countless lights still flashing, the light in the city, but still as dark as twilight, it seems tomorrow morning, when the city is always like that.


I immediately fired a grenade wolf

These wolves are members of the most ferocious wolves base, the rest of the stationary part of the wall of the temple wolf, Garnett issued a command, but they are probably still just violent shooting has scared the soul, before the pressure the Cross of God, and not swarms. Otherwise, hundreds of heads Puzhi hungry wolf, even if we have superhuman powers, and it is hard to resist. Coach Diaper Bags Outlet I'm lying on the floor was about to rise, the vision is sometimes the only Julang I cast back slap. Wolf's paw on my shoulder, I can not see behind, but the seat of your pants the only surprise Julang gun, probably a bird blind Solanum Garnett, which has almost become a fine white wolf, and other sparse sound to down after only jump in the accuracy of its timing grasp the thought of cooling.
I continue to remind me, do not look back, once back, Garnett bite his neck, he inevitably Director usually end with the dog behind Xu Julang ground, waiting patiently for me to go back, we drank life blood is the most wonderful flavors of the world. Ringing ringing in my head, face stickers on the frozen ground, not least, the hearts wanted to rebel, but with empty hands, no weapons in this case. I double the iron fist of the proletariat will not have much effect. Cover the big black cloud in the moonlight, high altitude wind carried the moonlight like Caesar drops significantly decreased and the mercury spilled, according to a silver medal along humilis dirt. Lama side of the situation is also difficult, it is, after all decline, old gas, heavy iron bar brandishing the speed becomes slower and slower rod body eventually be a seasoned hungry wolf bite, never been able to shake, iron affirmation Lama and the wolf rod high in the moonlight, see that I was a giant wolf on the ground,Coach Diaper Bag wanted to come to the rescue, but could not get things lifted leg package passed in front of me "Army General color, fast five lightning demon stick with you Han!"
This package has almost reached my shoulder, I wondered, what is our five Han demon lightning rod? But then, when touched, already understood, the big man with the ball, then each of us allowed two grenades that my two are thrown into the pond mud stinking fried, and the great man in the copies but has never been used, Lama helped after being injured solution now unless Lama reiterated give really forget. I immediately fired a grenade wolf, but keep the shoulder, unable to do a lot of action, or a fracture will pin wolf fuck suck Jizhongshengzhi block with the ball on the side of his face suddenly turned and turned around, I saw behind him, as if you press a white hair Sensen hungry ghosts, it was really that Garnett, white eyes shone, he must bite the bullet with.
Then I opened the fuse grenade immediately plug white smoke, he wanted to go lay back, as long as the grenade is flat enough to scare these hungry wolf that Garnett canvas bag ball bite, has been anger can not meet unexpectedly, suddenly saw white smoke grenades, and the persistence urge as noise auspicious Chi Chi, raised his wolf claw my hands on the side scan grenades. Coach Poppy Outlet The grenade did not know how far out of my heart cursed whore White Wolf in a fine, I think he does not know that the pomegranate is what to do with, but with experience survive in harsh environments realized the danger of this thing away from this unfortunate batons, the bigger the better, with grenades pokes wolf claws, but the distance is too close, so it exploded, the consequences could be disastrous, fatal to wall fragments and wolves are affected.


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Shirley see the young side I fight fat in the dumpster if it is intense but very short, but very strange, and then dropped shouted, "Hu said first other hand, the fat is very strange." Although I press and hold the fort Jianxiao poorly kept fat, while in youth work Shirley said: "He certainly strange, kiss her ...... it was a ghost of the upper body, you quickly find a solution, I do not press him. " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Shirley Young said, "is not a ghost, his vocal cords or the language is a problem, the cradle of ancient surgery network in southern Yunnan, which is a kind of language voice of the controller down, language similar to the cup of Thailand ". Shirley Young said, and for a long time to remove the ink line to "bind the cable dead, would first like to work together, and I tied with grease, and then forced open the teeth to look at something on his tongue.
I just saw the Troublesome fat, a little anxious to get angry at this time listening to Shirley Young said, had found the big man does another strange, keep laughing in his mouth, his face was very alarmed, is totally incompatible with the laughing ghost. Is his conscience is not lost, I just want to draw the sword to cut his own tongue? Coach Diaper Bag But as he would like to use Daozha I, anti-he fell, but since he has not lost consciousness, why should I not express anti-hid himself behind the mischief? I thought to understand immediately arrested by Shirley Young, temporarily not necessary to consolidate it, I was too aware of the fat man, fat man cursed him and said, "What the fuck is not poor crazy, I ask you, did you pinch, because pieces of Wu Yi come up with something? " Fat smile ghostly laughter pressing, slanted eyes in the past, to see the leather of his own chest, again and again a flash, we pick the fish bone Baonang Bai Temple, always at hand was fat . I immediately reach out and the cap hit, released in a swarthy elements, extended training, whereas the flat head, on the other side of the tip of a semicircle, when touched, will Feeling a hard, hard part of jade flat side of the head, there are several white circle, a photo light mountaineering helmet, which, however small of the red, yellow, white and drab.
Time, I did not see this is something now that strange thing: "This is a block of jade Jet idea is really rare?". Shirley Young said, "not a human language ... the barbarians in the language flash Po Hui woman." Coach Poppy Outlet I've heard that it is a human tongue, he rummaged around in the water, the dehydration Mangjiang black jade as a "language", take Shirley Young, said: "I am what some allergies, you acquire a ...... take For Shirley Yang Shenshouqujie the depths of the King of the ramp, is probably the direction of the underground palace, came a burst of hard Jianxiao, as if it was the "Temple" in the demons entered the lair of the Palace of the Ming Shirley Young was the laugh strange fear a scaling back, the play "language" and thus fall into the waist-deep in dark water.


Coach Diaper Bags Outlet I heard about the fat man said

Shirley Lo boy looked up and said to me: relief on this Jade's coffin, modeling docile and peaceful, although a hint of something blunt knife process is simple and clear, beautiful, without the deep, it covers high artistic form of expression is close to very close to the picturesque style of the Qin and Han Dynasty, which offer the grave of the Pei Ling is, nothing can go wrong. " The fat man next to the eager, rubbed his palm, saying, "Who cares what teach the king jade coffin we run into our good fortune, first fell open to see whether there was grave goods does not do days shy .. light not, what has happened inside the Evil Dead. " Coach Diaper Bags Outlet I heard about the fat man said, "Do not be impatient, and mouth disease jade coffin is not unusual, impossible without the basic length of the trunk, and you will see the page as many purple fluid with blood, not otherwise guarantee who can, that open would not be a coincidence. "
Shirley young paratrooper knife, dip it in dark red liquid oozed out of the jade coffin taste of her nose, and said a fat man, "There is no blood, a very large proportion has on gas, such as traditional Chinese medicine, which I jade coffin. can not see yourself, too special about the red within the effusion preservatives are to blame in the coffin of old trees ... " The fat man said: "That's what the excitement is the length of the tree seeds in the crypt below to be the tree grew larger and larger, rammed earth bursting of the last place the grave, the coffin inside the head of the coffin in the tree top, I did not tell you what you want to brain fart big in order to understand the nerve to come all the way and went to fight. "
I shook my head and said, said, "chubby, this is unlikely, I suddenly thought of-mouth jade coffin as a popular product, and perhaps in preparation for the operation inside the door of indulgence to think of these parties is not even among the five elements, it is not in accordance with the road in the world to choose Amityville Horror necessary, as the coffin was sent too many of the castle, then the gas to do together in Ogaki, perhaps he has deliberately the two pairs of old trees, that is, Jade was talking about this coffin The coffin inside a magician or cultivation of the Tao before we Coach Diaper Bag see the tree after the discovery of the holes in the trees, I have the poles, it may be, this is the hall tree coffin hole eyes, is the world's refined Kanai gas company. legends have grave is a unique world of the "Water Dragon Halo" and immortality Dongfu, where we have not experienced, you may really like the legendary, this Peiling some of the key points of the horoscope, so not a single His old trees around the situation in theory. "
Shirley think my boy rationally: Xian Wang advocate Wicked Witch of the Tao, one would like to add, so that his Minister of State, usually a warlock, and this seems Pei Ling is a fairy tale coffin, but I do not know which master whether he has become immortal sermon, when the world is really a fairy-mouth jade coffin should now be empty, in the bodies of Sin-solution of the fish. " The fat man said, "Hu said quickly under the tree, the guy blocking me on the other side of the trunk of the cut, let's look at something in that coffin, Sin is a demon does not matter,Coach Poppy Outlet is the most important to have a valuable Ming, we should first she has a good start as early as I offer that the old king is not dumplings a good bird, take the words of the blind, who was ill-gotten gains, took not the administration to . see " Shirley Young, nodded and said: "The offer will find the grave the secret information and advice, we will not have a little help."


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Sun Professor, looking for a long time took the rubbings, fish, said: "These are the remarks of foreign, are not allowed according to the rules of the last to scare you but also for this reason that. Because this information is not ripe yet, responsible have not been exposed to the outside of history. However, in order to fight it but I also, mu dust beads today and a part of the provisions of the Lao Chen this. you , I keel of the Western Zhou Dynasty production in order to obtain material where, by whom mu dust beads I think I would like to ask that of beads dust mu know little, but I might be what it is like Coach Diaper Bags Outlet the symbol The Zhou Dynasty quotient excavation is not clearly ritual, the form as early as the period of any text dense, you are similar to the eye and bring part of the rubbings, as I've seen almost the same, Although I do not know the symbol mu beads Kiel dust, but I mean Phoenix is ​​representative of Zhou Dynasty as the first statement such as the vortex of this symbol, we can assure you, in this rubbings the recorded information is a description of the Western Zhou Dynasty Fengming Qishan.
Since my head is full of questions asked orally. "It made from animals? Phoenix, not old, in this world or not really?" San professor replied:. "This is because it does not know the content that does not mean that that the record of the Bible is the ruling class of ancient Kiel this is important data files is very ordinary person, I But the records in the ciphertext Kiel believe that strong personal, this ciphertext, ciphertext, but an implicit hint, perhaps, I said. Phoenix of the world is, do not think " I asked: "Are you saying describes this seemingly Phoenix actually Guojun some called the chairman of the tube with the old man personally that we, the replacement of articles and events, as we will see the number of war movies and, referring to the old man, you know that Chiang Kai-shek for everyone. " Even if your is ", which is very appropriate, cut the rise in Zhou Dynasty, the Phoenix is ​​that there is no way replaced by Zhou Wang Yin of the decrease in this fictitious in an appropriate manner close to the bit of sense to Qishan of Fengming ancient shows. Sun professor I said guess the shape of the eyeball of you, they can be said to be a symbol of good luck of wealth, of religious backgrounds it is and the different historical era various say that you have a specific meaning in the Bible keel, and meaning what is on behalf of the symbol of the Phoenix obviously can not is to guess the rest of the Coach Diaper Bag text in the same article of Kiel Yes, this point should not be misunderstood."
I said, nodding: "This is the right, itself beads dust mu, so will be the name do not know how to start the spread gallbladder Minghuan Phoenix individual to another, I, it is fictitious and the shape of the ball eye There is a link between the professor of Phoenix biological seem like a kind of, this part of the rubbings of the ciphertext, or not in places like, or mention anything about the clue to the tomb? " Professor, Sun said: I "non-, indeed, but not even a little, I would write on paper, refused to tell you that you can request to see at a glance, this Type a description of the ancient of heaven Fengming. of a product, praying shows that the privilege Fengming a day always to succeed, was the emperor very important, we are now, open restaurants the text Qishan mere As, set off a firecracker, the red part to hang up, ask your luck auspicious "
Coach Poppy Outlet Shirley Young Ruzhui, in the fog WÜLI, I was thinking that the whereabouts of this valuable rubbing dust becomes mu beads, only the contents of this at the end. Professor Sun rubbings, asked to write down, to see repeated several times, about the location of any actually did not mention. Today, it is, it is likely to put aside decades of clue until it is cut off.


I saw that I hesitate to come to him

I may have a strange one here, asked the platoon leader of the militia in a hurry, and how later. He said: "And a woman is not quietly fade away at the latest, the villagers, there may be the woman was Dalian, she is referring to the only home and bracelet, the field . was killed and to think that some problems back. " Our deliberations, suddenly, he heard the footsteps of the crypt of the lamp went off. I militia of two half-day, and not very reliable did not come back, it is thinking back,Coach Diaper Bags Outlet but I thought it was someone outside to stay with reference to find us under, few people under, Professor, Sun is heading. "Professor, you can put me scared, I will come to you in the event of a major way, I want to play here, I thought of you not to bite the piranhas: I am Professor suddenly come out from behind was surprised that told you? how we are busy on the day of? "
Professor Sun, I saw that I hesitate to come to him and I did not think, you can satisfy this condition. Cause and effect is to simply listen to me say again, they would understand how. Sun professor looked at the scene in the cave carefully, said: "This tank is a magician harmful, but I saw in Yunnan it too, belong to the scope of work archaeological speech, we do not have what anyone in detail so as not to destroy the scene to find the Public Security Bureau. does not seem to be. of non-place. " Track, so that all people, please mayor have been very satisfied with naturally safe and sound, so the crowd back. I have to pay for services rendered before promised militia, militia, but have a elixir, not only to obtain a reward, were not all satisfied. Professor Himura committee, the village headman's house, and I took Shirley Young, please contact the police for dinner. My mind, many of the questions, asked how it Crypt Professor Sun. Shirley Young and Professor Sun has been talking about what happened. Previously he sunk into the lake of the chain look, they did not move when the winch, when they came to the end of the first layer of real, they are also crying Assistant underground, of Lee snow a small stone monument discovered a passage. In this terrain, "H (left vertical line cross, two-lane, single stab right)" Structure of the real sum of the two roads. Ming is an underground passage, the level of the gap of 2 meters, the line of the lane is the middle of the Ming illegal horizontal channels, which are connected, is clear. Monument to the underground passage. So-called illegal channel is lower than the length of the Ming, there is a gap, he came to find is not easy to see. Underground passage at the end of each of the Ming and stone house.
Sun and assistant professor of single-line Coach Diaper Bag label below the layer of underground passage to see the inside of the range the preservation of ancient ruins. I did not expect the terrain is lower than here, penetration of water is sudden appearance of the collapse, trapped inside, on the tie in the middle of a real 2 of 2 of them, had been worse than many parts of . But go to the rescue of people, could not find a tunnel parallel to these two Fortunately, the area of ​​the landslide, the duo Sun professor to move away the stone of the channel a lot of effort has been sealed slump was. They are in the file remains in the back of the militia, know someone next to the stone house to Li snow in order to save them, followed by going to view half of the one left behind militia, did not come back then . After some investigation, underground tunnel shop monument near the ruins of the Qin dynasty, in this place, there was several, Shi Huangdi, in addition medicine have been sent to the purification of the alchemist, and, perhaps, outside The remainder of the harvest discard the debris of some monument. However, these monuments will have a great research value.
I asked Professor Sun: Stop is a relic of the Qin Dynasty is being used for what a strange cylinder in the Crypt pool, and beast of the six jade Shixia "? Coach Poppy Outlet San professor shook his head: "No, holes, it is two different things is a real site of Qin before the ground under the house of stone, including the chain hanging cylinder, the ball animal Shixia, I later and will be placed to hear the Furuta, there burst of population in recent years there has been insufficient, it is I might be it, but no criminal investigation, because I scene of these things speak to you you can see the reasoning to do. Of course, this is not a state secret, it is not a problem. speak to you "


I look at the girl Coach Poppy Outlet

Please refer to the blind man down almost said, and I do not fly. Previously a leader hanging baskets, platoon militia, now been assigned to the militia three ready Shirley Young, to go behind the militia under four and then gradually that I first to put down waves. Platoon leader and torch point, each of which holds a rifle. Caipu related to, I look at the girl lifting of this underground Guancai Pu distance of 20 meters over the torch, there is a crack that, to see the traces of naturally occurring human can not be down. Is land that has been paved with a cobble channel, 1978 meters wide 10 meters, following a very large rectangle, I feel degraded in between the stomach wall oozing, the chill Speranskia. Coach Diaper Bags Outlet Furuta, deep water and soil with this have not seen the basement of 20 meters to the ground easily, penetration of water is more serious, and the special geographical environment chomchon monument. Basin, and this lowland, to make it so they will be provided just as the rainy season. Actually there is a tomb, afraid that the water is corrupted underground palace inside here if artifacts.
In addition to the ground have been cracking down, but very obvious, with a real, a lot of fractures, it is in seismic zone, This is it. Fortunately, the tunnel structure is a simple, very strong, but signs of landslide. Platoon leader of the militia pointing, told me that his first down, he has the weight of 21 pounds there, on top of it, look at the tables of stone the tray of stone rectangular cartridge from the not-so-distant , look at the inside of the six bright red blood, such as jade strange beast went out. I have not seen a set of ball beast Shixia, while in custody of the village committee now, I asked the platoon leader of the militia: "Beyond what?" Said leader platoon militia and shook his head: "stone is covered with stone houses, are advancing on the road, the hole in the stone house is according to the picture on the inside of the flashlight, deep, nothing on the ground . did not get the body from the goose bumps followed by internal feel do not have. Coach Diaper Bag a look and came out the wind, hold the sound of the bottom water Shixia, did not dare look at the running back " said to be behind when after down another crypt, I attended to see the others, count, and please do not shoot the number, we have to wait for my command, the appearance of the first , another archaeologist Professor hurt and do not have the day.
Militia leader ordered a total of four of seven with a rifle and four Shirley Young, and my platoon of militia, three torches. In addition to the gun for rendering service, this many people have $ 200, the stronger the courage everyone, please follow me to walk to the depth of the tunnel. This is very grand, but is not very clean, even in a long tunnel, the mouse is not without an extra thing. We are, in addition to the burst of exudation and echo of the sound of water droplets, however, the professor other movement is not the only, and walk your hands together in the mouth screaming tunnel sun, the sky. Head really, militia platoon leader in residential size is rare, and then move has been assembled from stone blocks and round stone hut is almost the same as like I said. Is a semi-circular openings, although one has been artificially constructed there, masking at all, but do not have, like a natural feel. Do not look at the history of this building in rare cases, the authors said the blind Yeah, this is actually the location of the alchemy of the fairy. I Shirley Young, asked this hut can be seen in what to do, she never seen a room like that. We also passes through the openings in the house, Chuang Zhang stone, so nothing. As a bed of stone of the tomb, which is smooth like a mirror flat on the floor instead of stone. Look a long time, we also, any excuse will not be displayed. Stone house, square-shaped gap is the tunnel entrance of the inclination of 45 degrees to the ground. Deep below, at the end the king Libian flashlight, according to the photo can not see, I was able to go to manual gentle slope. Professor, there is a possibility that this down from Sun, I do cried several times no response on the inside.
I just to be sure, leaving the two militia to protect the entrance, there were people on the head and go. Pad filled with a long walk down the ramp rock, listening to the sound of the water flow, I worried that drowned Professor Sun has fallen in the water, hurried walking with the burden. If you look at anyone to the bottom, Coach Poppy Outlet artificial cave has a small pool, a flashlight is here, dig in the middle of the floor, the body of water is a very dark, it is probably water is flowing. Because there was, hoop several large, the cloudiness of this chain, and iron, unlike that strange, will not hang the sink into the pit chain there, and now, to build a material for signs of rust does not display anything. Sink at one end of the chain a huge lake looks majestic, to fall on large objects near a closer look at the camera shake violent suddenly chain straight, with a thickness of several body calm water is a string of ripple was stirred.


As well as monuments such as Coach Diaper Bag

Display on a hillside far ahead are huge monument standing. I am not small compared to the monument is a monument not far Taishan this monument at the entrance to the store to read the Mount Tai is a monument has not been huge, in the village. Handwriting is like a towering stone from a distance long, are monuments. As well as monuments such as some kind of negative Bixi is down there is a monument Shishou energetically under the head, appears to be plausible. Sun Professor I and Shirley Young, a strange way, but also visible from line of sight can help to see this monument, in a hurry to the village to save could not be invisible, the origin of this monument. She asked me: "? This is not a down like gravestones, look around as the grave, such as" You looked around and are walking I, well suited to life in the here The climate is environmental and comfort. However, in order to run, such as situations such as the grave, rather than Coach Diaper Bags Outlet four weeks in the hills of this is not the mind, on the pattern are scattered throughout the line. Even if you do not have the mausoleum of royalty and the aristocracy. Said to have found a compelling and listen to the leader platoon militia, the hole in the internal chi is the first layer of paving brick, in the middle of the floor Caipu Seki village, of stone, the bottom of the cave to another, where it is Why there?
Anyway, our only hope is fixed on the body of professors, the sun now. Missing hell of a cave in under Longtanhuxue, I need to find a way to get him to pick up the pace Shirley Young and the moment before. Not only to sell the coffin, here, not only came to the head of the village, selling incense horse paper of the ingot was stopped in front of Guancai Pu and captain before paving the way of militia. Control of the militia of 5 Bangdayaoyuan three or, even if they are let go to see, not to people two actually in front of the block hanging of the plaque-old around the lot to see in front of the villagers , does not dare to enter anyone, mind, who would have a suspicious story. Some can be incredible few days angry Dragon King's Yellow River, the way, speaking of this hole through the Dragon Palace under the Yellow River, it is necessary to the radius of inundation of a thousand miles, some people said that the hole is connected to the underworld. At night they are if you wait until the seal does not meet the dead, the ghost of hungry ghosts of the underworld, but came out the scourge of people from that hole. There is an elementary school teacher in the village, said the public pool of many of them: or rather we understand the ass of these "You are, you know the (d), under the cold and overcast 6 superstition of ball , must be passed at that moment, one end of the intrusion of water on the Earth's ice in Antarctica,Coach Diaper Bag drown the superstition of you guys in the ass.
The anxious heart and the magnitude of several villages, and to hang around. The bottom of the hole state does not have work at all, I sent a two archaeologists, pulling an empty shopping basket, you will not have the courage to go for anyone to explore in the search. Back to justify the boss is really hard, blame him. Will be ignored by the mayor and other people. Refer to the rotation of the militia platoon, the leader of the platoon, so that the villagers fear the next hole, will be displayed platoon had to let everyone in the militia head, a famous village in bold. Up to the mayor of a militia platoon leader to issue the order and put my introduction and Shirley Young. Central America as well as cooperation of these, both the archaeological team that has been recognized that the following two archaeologists can not be found.
"My comrades, we are, and I hope I hope as the moon the stars at the end, the organization was looking forward to." Rather than the many difficulties to face, and tell the committee of the village: mayor Although I do not want to save the people hug as soon as the village is by a row in the original legend Caipu this function, the militia, is not complete since 2079, there is no preparation but scared off, played a full count to the people eight from seventy However, since that sent the fellow the boss did not have any, formal training, the situation this unexpected occurs, I,Coach Poppy Outlet militias, how to deal with, to become all of you to the command I do not know. Understand the meaning of the mayor pretty, he is responsible for destroying my body, I will attend the fold with him pulling this can not be now, I entered the room looking at the basement to reveal a huge gap inside the dark following compulsory, Guancai Pu Tong of brick monument is open, with only Shirley Young, I did not follow exactly to save lives is very difficult man I could not see how deeply, someone must help.


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When I was dying in the future inevitably by him are you, if you can not decipher the contents Shirley Young, as well as fat, you can find a mu dust beads, I otherwise probably , this is another text keel, like blood clotting yellowing of torture must be a record of important records related to mu dust beads. Chen professors, the nervous breakdown of this disease, while God knew, that you have already started breeding, can be aged for a long time to maintain. They made me fight back is that the ghost, so I always do not know from Shaanxi Province behind the length of what it is. It has been confirmed from the mouth of Shirley Young, although it is really the heart, not mind having an end portion and their peace of mind in the cave of the ghost. I kind of strange disease better autumn vegetation of our lives,Coach Diaper Bags Outlet for many years, after the attack, is a big deal, then I also like the United States anyway, what was previously thought, and a terrible not until I moved to shelter. However, Professor Chen How to do? Have seen are not that old man die?
Must believe the traction somewhere in the fate of their own sometimes. Professor, rather than the Furuta has a Bible Kiel Sun is cracking, what happen to me long before the day of the contents of the book is kept strictly confidential, we have refused to divulge the words of the Sun professor. The results of this study is not yet open to the public, the current master of interpretation of the Bible, the world is I think one day that Professor only temporarily. I have said again, and I pour sensibility, the mouth unreasonable Sun Professor Shirley Young put these things in great detail now, trickle he, it should not be a problem, if he is to speak is, after all, he is human. But then, what? Sink, such as the following mu dust beads, big eyes, fell, a clue to down fighting? This is not a touch of lips to lips to speak so easily. You can say go to the Hill who, and did not see nobody people, and not understanding the slightest nor is it of people go to find for many years ... to it, too many in grave risk, they You may need to catch some life, it might be a little more harm than good. Shirley Young, my heart to think that Coach Diaper Bag I asked to have concerns and to find the mu dust beads, please see I wander. ? "I am the only one who want to have a clue arrived, to your place, I go down fighting afraid you how ..."
I interrupted her: While not a joke to underestimate the people "how, I would not find the god Hu with fear yet, find, Vietnam, you know how it thin, such as chicken thin Do not look black? small, is powerful enough, however, to be executed training Americans, the result is self-Back to the top does not allow me to do It was a strike of defense, well, anyway, you is what I boast, I practical in order to prove that it is not a kind of fear that they will die has been printed on the vanguard of me before military It said I think when you use the action of, for the Central Military Commission, to stop me, I was accounted into Hanoi, referring to the side of Professor Chen with you in more here, I Do not stand the truth. "I was terminated by pulling the Shirley Young is to leave a park bench. Coach Poppy Outlet Shirley Young, I am where I'm going, I asked said to her earlier: There is no associated with McCain this for the afternoon of the two "We, the weather is now, fat is waiting for me I Te, which is Panjiayuan yet, we are, then you should take his teeth for tomorrow went back to packing break open, we will point you what to do, Professor, is that Sun says is . I went to the Shaanxi province in order to find he was told to "not


Just there to drag the partridge whistle

Whistle with Thomas Partridge priest dragged seniors jade dust rot next to rub in the past, an authentic, partridge whistle immediately so that the priest Thomas at the crossing sealed, to prevent those fog ghost hunting, then mouth a little bit of skirt, and closely linked to the Office of the blood arm, vortex steel shovel shovel against his left arm rotation, fog ghost bite-leg cut. Although the Zhazhu blood, blood is still like a fountain from the arm section to get out, had a chance to stop the bleeding, in front of a black, they vanished. Thomas priests see the partridge whistle shed so much blood and fainted, older dust from the tomb was delirious, one intact, and really believe in God is the right path can not do anything about them.Coach Diaper Bags Outlet find a way both of them out to say. Just there to drag the partridge whistle, the scene of the immediate situation of terror - the partridge whistle "they cut off most of the flesh of the arm above have all been converted into pus, only a dense white bone, pus in the fly out of dense small black spots, circles in the ramp.
Priest Thomas was afraid of the soul of the black particles floating in the air near an OBE in the dim light of a blue phosphorescent tube, the black particles looming, it seems that you want to slowly form a ball. Thomas, the priest knows that this is probably what the Bible says ... "Breath of the devil. How can we deal with the devil breathing? If it says in the Bible, with holy water? Consecrated bread? Or the cross? Worse, this time short-term fad can not remember, priests Thomas secretly blame themselves useless, apostles of Satan is afraid, dead people called to see the Father, must find the courage of this as a priest. Thomas, the priest to find ways to calm down, think of this son of a bitch, "the breath of the devil as things at high temperature, but does not match accessories candles, how to divert the cover of the darkness of evil . God bless you, the "devil's breath" is not too much, and the priest Thomas suddenly thought - they seem to be afraid of holy water as a liquid, but there was no bottled water not know tube pin regardless of pee, then I fear that urine is the temperature, for a time was thought 78, are not useful.
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Thomas, the priest facing the cover of darkness was condensed into a ball, anxious, and this time just listen to someone behind Croon, turned and saw the partridge whistle revived, and hastened to s' cling to him, pointing a small group of black fog, the words could not say nervous. Partridge whistle is just pain dizziness, streaming a lot of blood, pale, thanks in advance Zhazhu blood, blood circulation in the arm and the light is no longer bleeding, waiting for Thomas priests crazy help at the moment is long dead for a long time. Partridge whistle "Thomas, a hold on the priest, theosophy Bafen Qi restored to fly a small group of black ghost fog are looking back on the temperature of human blood for the approximation of the arcs of white jade, quickly remove the other firearms, nose poke, the Yumen aligned on the lock of copper is shot.
Previously, the elders of the dust and the partridge whistle discover Yumen understand that the brass is still locks the lock core, once the external contact triggered inside of organs will be on both sides of Yumen release openings concealed weapon. This door-shaped organs to open large quarto, not a small concealed weapon,Coach Poppy Outlet must be judged quicksand Rolling Stone a mainframe, including the experience of the partridge's whistle. Currently, only bet on one of the external assistance. If the openings in the release of toxic fumes, and then we die, if the quicksand issues, you can use to block the hole ghost fog. Finally fled at the end can not be the last stand was untouchable and should not touch a ghost fog killed in the ramp. The bullet hit the brass locks the affected organ, even the lock core, just listen to both sides of the gate, the thunder deafening noise from the quicksands of many slopes, like the tides, the sand was a great number of red sand particles, toxic.


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Glow sticks are used commonly in night parties. Though they are generally used for decoration and as party favors, you can customize them to be unique for the given occasion or the theme. When it comes to Halloween celebrations, you can give a touch of spookiness to glow sticks or other glow products by printing shapes of ghosts or scary quotes. Customization enhances the essence of product and occasion Personalizing any item with desired features makes it more attractive and has an effective impression on the end-user. Though glow sticks and other flashing products are already attractive, Coach Diaper Bags Outlet you can further boost their essence by customizing with personal messages. However, it is required to utilize appropriate style of personalization on the basis of the occasion to uplift the theme of the celebration.
Offer personalized glow sticks as favors Glow sticks, intended for Halloween favors, can be customized by printing scary designs or images such as skeleton, bones, skulls and monsters. Other Halloween features like spiders, pumpkins, scarecrows and so on are perfect for printing on glow products. Desirable quotes that imbibe the alarming character of the Halloween can also be included in glow sticks of different sizes. Such personalized glow sticks bring up the feel of the celebrations. Just offer these Halloween specialized glow sticks to your guests as favors to surprise them. Tricks and treats with them bring fun for kids as well as adults in the Halloween. Make your costume spooky with glow accessories Stylish, unique and scary Halloween Coach Diaper Bag costumes have a great place in these celebrations. They can be enhanced by elegant glow accessories like glow necklaces, bracelets and badges. Customized glow necklaces and bracelets with the Halloween features like spooky designs and quotes are best suitable to instill the Halloween feel. Wearing such customized glow accessories, mainly in orange colors shows your interest and festive spirit. Even glow badges can be personalized and stuck to your apparel to simply convey your message in the scary Halloween night.
Consider customized light-up barware Special Halloween drinks like spooky juices, hot and soft drinks can be served in glowing barware products. Bring an eerie effect to the drinks by imparting blood color using flashing red colored ice cubes. Include startled images or messages on the light-up barware products like flashing mugs, glasses, cups and tumblers to impress your guests. You can even Coach Poppy Outlet print designs of bleeding hands and zombies on the flashing trays and mugs. Personalization has no limit until it is in accordance with the occasion. You can follow any of the above ideas including your own ideas to make most of the Halloween. As per your convenience, you can even order wide variety of customized Halloween glow sticks and products in bulk directly from a reputed online dealer - enjoying the benefits of festive discounts.


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Seniors dust in silence close our eyes for a moment before slowly opened his eyes to the mirror, the team of Thomas, the priest says: "how do you see?" Thomas The priest nodded and said, "I finally came time to turn shutter doors, near the black smoke, and see black smoke appears to be a human form, especially as a Buddha statue, then what ... " Partridge whistle "is buried anti-gambling Daodong, listening to Thomas, the priest and the elders of the dust, then, can not help but look around on the wall in the Court decision, the child's when he saw the kind of cover of darkness. visions. Seniors dust thought, pointing to Coach Diaper Bags Outlet the wall as respect for multi-hand, black statue of Buddha, said: "Black Buddha legend is an old x (the left side of the woman, the right ear) × (the left side for simple, good friends) dedicated to Cthulhu, manipulated solely on disposable envelope dark dark worship Buddha at the end of the Tang Dynasty, was exterminated official, can not think of the court Xixia hidden in statues dark Buddha, this Buddha statue of the material is raw black rot of jade in ancient Persia, is a very rare form of rock legends such rot Jade, a Tamana, not jade, humans and animals once touch jade rot, body will instantly offal flesh pus, one skeleton, the souls of the deceased to pay the darkness of the Buddha, that lingers
Seniors dust thought, pointing to the wall as respect for multi-hand, black statue of Buddha, said: "Black Buddha legend is an old x (the left side of the woman, the right ear) × (the left side for simple, good friends) dedicated to Cthulhu, manipulated solely on disposable envelope dark dark worship Buddha at the end of the Tang Dynasty, was exterminated official, can not think of the court Xixia hidden in statues dark Buddha, this Buddha statue of the material is raw black rot of jade in ancient Persia, is a very rare form of rock legends such rot Jade, a Tamana, not jade, humans and animals once touch jade rot, body will instantly offal flesh pus, one skeleton, the souls of the deceased to pay the darkness of the Buddha, and lingers well. " Partridge looked after the picture of a dense white man's bone dust elders said: "It appears that the bones of the dead, during his life may be loyal guards of their choice to remain in the Coach Diaper Bag Treasure Cove and touch the rot Jade died guarded the treasures of the cave, three of us met at once, black smoke, and it is perhaps no toxic smoke, but ... "Do not go further, and everybody to understand what that means. Dust Thomas Presbyterian priests not to make their skin comes into contact with black statues of Buddha, quickly penetrated Daodong leave, if black evil spirits haunt the Buddha's whistle partridge, a single court decision to block it seniors could not dust like the human skeleton holding a bunch of keys, and then easily remove the penalty area Court decision, perhaps within the dust Mu beads, this keyring is not a box open port it? May wish to open a trial.
Elders of dust lit the candle, and do not need to find the southeast corner of the Child Court decision as long as some Xuguang Liang will get the key to try in the Sure, in which a key is just to open the lock head, partridge whistle Daodong anti-beat more than ten feet up the bulk soil met with elders of dust opened the box, can not help but look if within the beads dust Mu. stop the whirlwind of the hands of the shovel, older Dust opened the box, however, only one box lined with the shells of the Variant. Partridge whistle "full of desire, although be prepared psychologically, and still could not help losing already, it seems thirty-nine days putting poured a pot of ice water, cold from head to foot with the flute on the place, I feel a sweet throat, blood spitting wow, all washed down on top of the turtle shell. Seniors dust was shocked, and know the Coach Poppy Outlet people is too hot, the partridge whistle things too complicated, most people are more things like mood swings extremely persistent vomiting easily, regardless of the partridge whistle collapsed ground quickly and priest Thomas with his hand raised to live. But at that time, the elders of the dust found on the wall respecting black Buddha, the eyes of the body do not know when, even all the leaves of hundreds of open eyes, black Buddha, in the dark watching the three broke into the tomb of treasure hole, emitting a poisonous atmosphere of evil.


only if you have intense exercise

Whistle share of the "Partridge, please refer to the sudden shining armor warrior with an ax of the mountain in order to rapidly cut yourself in the shaft. Immediately screamed, pop-up appeared behind the rear body, rock wall, softening the vajra umbrella to cover your head and face In addition, the mirror box of 20 was Coach Diaper Bags Outlet drawn from the waist ring, take the left hand frame, King of the boot umbrella friction head forward delivery. The attitude of the defense put samurai armor shining at gunpoint the other hand, an attack. "Flute Partridge is, only if you have intense exercise, shouting why, the efforts of Gein Waijia reached, and to some extent, you will not believe If you do not want to shout in a loud voice may not cry cause you fear, suffer internal damage has been issued from the mouth of a given sound breathing, human.
This voice of the hole of the whistle of the partridge is not important, the priest Thomas was shocked not get off the ladder, slipped and fell off the ladder. Partridge is, listen to the wind whistle sound ", fall, in a hurry in order to provide an umbrella of diamond, but care about the priest of fall, distance is not too high Fortunately. Priest of Thomas, the only fall of foot pain, to fall to the ground, however, can cause the disease is not along the umbrella-shaped diamond on top of the arc. At the same time, the whistle of the partridge is found with reference to the mountain warrior ax Shining armor waving his hand obviously, warriors are painted on the walls of stone, Coach Diaper Bag to be a false alarm through the faint blue phosphorescent To dodge a picture of evil, this photo is similar to the human body and the normal type of soldier dressed in shining armor wearing a helmet of gold, in the face of tremendous tensile eyebrows, too realistic, vibrant color. Mighty and unparalleled. It draws a thing as opposed to, such as courage strong, but mural yet, the process skill of the painter, is full of tension, with a cold look, I broke out really in action extreme, the samurai of Full Metal Jacket I like at any time from painting.
When you get off the dust of the shaft elders, Lianlian mural period that saw the warrior, the whistle of the partridge in the two dust sheet, please refer to the mural on the characteristics of the warrior carefully. It must read the . Even called Full Metal Jacket, and Chung urn "Qin general, and it can be concluded that the general, is a legend unparalleled brave, afraid of the ghost of his large-scale Tang, the first have the walls of the tomb of the tomb of a nobleman Has a guardian of the general safety urn Chung, portrait, such as the tomb of the role of goalkeeper. However, outside of the main tomb of color portrait, this exposure is vulnerable to erosion age, the air a long time, "color, see the tomb of the whistle of the partridge will be volatile in the picture of the air Te, inverted bucket To enter from the side and bottom of the main tomb, some will pass through the main entrance of the tomb. You hear only the caretaker of the "Chung pot" legendary general. This is the first time I saw today, they can help to read the line of sight is not possible. The elders said, "Flute Partridge" of dust:Coach Poppy Outlet the tomb of "Master, the people of Western Xia is this painting generals have been copied the impact of culture the central plains, far-reaching indeed, also Qin of ancient tomb of the general to maintain the wall will be displayed.
Babel, the tombstone of the largest Buddhist temple gate, we are located now, is the eternal battle. Elders dust, a look at the face drawn on the wall of stone Chung urn raised the lantern he said, nodding: doornail seven vertical and two cross wall 9 ", indeed, block of the tomb voice of the elders ... "Full Metal Dust Jacket entrance saw the flash of the top two so far and Shimen Wengzhong flash almost disappears. Thomas the eyelids priest suddenly look real bad lantern, neurologic self-affirmation, the armor of a warrior of light shining wall suddenly Badly frightened repeatedly in the chest, below, cross paddle.


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City ruins blackwater standing in twilight, the silence like the dead, death is to imagine that once a city of summer generations of West seem to kill the breath of all creatures, and desolate of people, atmosphere is silent It was not possible. Elders dust is a monk, whistle of partridge had been pretending to the door of Taoism, Thomas American, even to yourself, to go to the Blackwater near the city looking for a hole in the Coach Diaper Bags Outlet treasure of the people of Western Xia To add a priest, this is a really strange combination team of any priest, monk. Blackwater, three people waiting for the cold moonlight lavished on the earth gently, brightness shine plateau northwest of thin air here, the sky, the stars, and many times more volume becomes high plains near the city You. The elders looked up dust, stars, compass, remove pointed out the fixed point. Door, Tanrangu, Samsung sickle Paul is deprived of a huge temple in the sky, without breaking the secondary star, the right thing is a point such as a guitar band, such as your real moment between already to identify the locations that are missing only holds a winding holes in the ground as the holes in the surface.
Temple of beauty sleep, "the mountain of the palace, here ...: The whistle of the partridge, the strike of the Elders of dust in order to go there with the priest shall mean the United States, moonlight, on the ground through the water . as if they were buried in one eye to measure the direction of, said only here ... " Because you did not understand the operation of the secrets of Feng Shui of the partridge whistle, it does not understand the latter half of the Elders of mean dust, and "Cyclops" in the verbal thank you something. The elders saw the moon dust in the sky, said:Coach Diaper Bag underground offshoot of the separation of Helan Mountain side sneak a dragon, which is really very small, so the only eye-hole faucet, in possession of the Wind "here shape Samsung purple. called Cyclops called surface you can collect the gas, fresh beautiful opinion allegiance main, wood violet. feet Bencuan, type mountain if it is the shape of the Kaohsiung respect mainly of massive military force very sensitive to rough diagonal branch (such as borrowing odd), bloated face, broken hill all, these are, LUN reverse is guilty of the next generation, conversion. Heishui buried as much as students, this has been broken shape, long evil in the form of a temple, malignant tumor inside the burial of people. is tap into rather than the eye of Poe, born in trouble, in fact, had to be the latter "says pointing to the sky as the coldest month hooks, even if then:" You are it, look at that month, unexpectedly let go today, I did not see the calendar, tonight is broken, is the value of all the big break, the Buddha you must close their eyes."
In addition to the above before hyperbilirubinemia Partridge Flute art to find the thousands of beads mu dust, empty your family starts, at the foot of the largest Buddhist temple can be patient until tomorrow You might, the elders of the dust said: because it is the empty tomb main, the legendary Buddhist temples large Babel, Coach Poppy Outlet this seat of the empty tomb, the disciples materials, a carefully things does not exist is wrong or what to think Try to make of the one, to be disciples of shovel whirlwind in order to open the Don of the Dao that comes back does not have a degree in common sense. " Elder dust, the cook of the lamp because it does not exist can not not touch the gold, to follow the common sense main home (the tomb of the dead), also one, this tomb of the Xia Dynasty west, certainly as a hole treasure is worried. 9 people want to take three or digging does not take 9 dig, are not taken into account. Yes nod.


Point of the hole of the Gold set

Partridge said the flute and: "It Zeidao ancient horse, gone with the treasures of countless tower Tanguto There are a lot of large number of foreign conspiracy that swept the city of Blackwater books written dug, a total of seven pagodas that is a few years ago was. in the literature, probably, there will be a * record of beads dust (of rain under the hair), living abroad unfortunately The is, we have orientation records the largest Buddhist temple, they are to save a lot of twists and turns at the grave of this summer west of the sky can not be found verify that you can be found in the black water. " Western Xia has been lost long, Coach Diaper Bags Outlet even if it is documented there obviously are not translated, but "can not be interpreted, as the palace of Lau lung sky glow of Samsung, purple will be. whistle Partridge, dust elder said. be on the ground, to fix in order to find traces of it in the hole to touch the occult treasure tomb is also a fixed point of further sub-Fri Xiaowei Jin is not possible. "
Point of the hole of the Gold set, which is one of the most difficult sound geography dawn of astronomy In addition, the branch of Feng Shui Stars branch lay before you see the moon and the stars are. If you want to credit to a fixed point of gold, first, must learn gradually from the most basic feng shui. Secret art of Feng Shui is a complex, non-overnight can be to grasp, we few, we must learn five or six years. Partridge elder dust is worried about can be to get our hands on him, hand over gradually, we are the first decisions to the foot Helan City of Blackwater and his journey, dust (Hair of rain) * occult refers to the fixed point of gold beads whistling. Flute Partridge, the dust elders, was the help that you want to run. Two small preparation is left for departure. On his way, the elders of the monks or dust, mendicant, but are not dressed whistle of Partridge came to act as a priest wandering still, monk, so peer prominent inevitably, whistle of partridge "Elder care is to provide clothing change the layout of the dust along the way. Much more than a high mountain landscape to the Helan, good news is, the elders of the master is to dust the elderly, it was also agile legs and feet, but still find the bucket down away Coach Diaper Bag from the Zhejiang Dragon. On this day descend from the mountains far away by ferry to the Yellow River Heishuicheng Helan spices to prepare Fort, was ready to abandon the ship to change and to Gazerubei car. Gazerubei stirred vessel, jade belt, the soul, overlooking the meandering circulation of the Yellow River as far very concept. The whistle of the partridge elders and dust, about the experience of the year, here prefer to chat to the local landscape.
Elders dust has not been a monk, top-notch character Tatchijin Xiaowei, the nickname "Flying (Yang has been borrowed) (child angle)" is a judge of the touch of gold around the inverted bucket. Once on top of the tower one hundred, local legend Qingtongxia go north of the Yellow River Alpheus, and is very effective, ship products to pass through must have been thrown into the river in order to smooth the past. However, there is no dust and that the elders have done in this river, boat stall (the structure of the king word up and down, the water of four) was riding in a private boat and soil. Captain of the city soil was thrown into the river in the bag (just the structure of the king word up and down, the water four points) man stingy ordinary, very in order to persuade him to boatman sacrifice Alpheus reject the * is , is the boatman, the only particle Oshio writing.
Live period of one wearing a green mass of Qingtongxia night on the other hand, prior to the elderly Cephalanoplos cap, head of the elderly, such as wearing a green happens, Coach Poppy Outlet the head of the normal human thorn hat is red, it is very flashy. The boatman, (the structure of the word up and down, the water in June, 4 points) the hand of an old man, (the structure of the word of the up and down, monarch, water) of soil with a shovel looking for discussion soil, pour * is * Skipper Ken, is how very expensive spice. Coaxially with the reason to rush to get rid of the old man there is no further. The old man took the money boatman, the soil (the structure of the word king, up and down the four water) poured my heart I heard bought a * good, bad and dust of young elders. * Soil (the structure of the four-point king word up and down, water) can be used in place of the last of the coffin of the pad, it is * dust and elders demanded the old man of the king word up and down ( structure is the fragrance of exotic long-term lime was not four floating-point, and then dried, soil water) to do anything, only a chunk of green Cephalanoplos thanks to a lot of old people to cap the old man simply poured wearing to give